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Durability Tested and Proven
The special poly coating was designed specifically for protecting treated wood pilings in harsh marine environments.
Available in multiple colors, it has been proven in projects all along the coastlines of the United States and has been approved for use by the US Corps of Engineers for marine projects.
Cost Effective Longevity
Coating your pilings with our special poly wood coating is the best way to ensure a long life for your marine structure. Some experts estimate that poly coated pilings will last roughly twice as long as normal treated pilings under like conditions.
Your project will still be standing strong long after those around it were rebuilt. In some cases you may be able to re-use the initial structure and only replace the above water components such as decking and railing.
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Full or Zone Coated
Your pilings can be full coated (100%) for total coverage or zone coated to give additional protection to the zones of the pilings most susceptible to damage from moisture and wood-boring organisms - usually just above and below the water line. See the image to the right.
Super Strong, Yet Workable
More than paint, the poly wood coating is about the thickness of a penny. It is applied in our facilities using special high-heat, high-pressure equipment to ensure an effective bond to the wood.
You can cut and drill your pilings like any wood and cover the exposed areas with a poly patch kit.
Coat Any Wood
The polymer coating can be applied to any wood components from pilings to stringers and joists and has even been used to protect decking and walkways in commercial areas and water parks.
Many of the pilings and braces used to build the pier in Palacios, TX (right) are protected with our poly wood coated.
Get a quote for your poly coated pilings online or call us at (866) 255-0682.
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